blinded by the mirage of technological innovation, it is easier to continue
manufacturing a technical masterpiece, even on the brink of bankruptcy.
Moreover, marketing managers of successful high-technology compa
nies stress that there is not a large difference between marketing traditional
products and high-tech products. They contend that the customer philoso
phy remains the same and that only the specific features of a high-tech
product shape how the company markets it, and give it a distinctive twist.
Such a statement is backed up by their ability to overcome the economic
collapse of the recent years.
While the sky had fallen on the high-tech industry, smart marketing
strategies helped them grow and prosper among the rubble. This book
details some of their approaches, based on my consulting experiences with
some of those firms, as well as on comments and documents from numer
ous scholars, consultants, and professionals. This book is addressed to all
who wish to understand, set up, or better apply marketing principles in
order to succeed in this fascinating and exciting world of high technology.
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